Rise Above Wellness Center, Inc. ================================= Minutes Jeremy Dahlgren, Fred sinclair, Elizabeth freeland, Christina Petitio January 4th 11:20am Sinclair makes the motion the slate of officers remain same from 2019 into 2020 second President Dahlgren all is in favor I Freeland Secretary, Sinclair vice Chairman. Member at large Christina Petito Sinclair motion Chairman Dahlgren Second it. Petitio I. Officers estblaish. Next on the agenda last meeting minutes Sinclair move the minutes Jeremy all those in favor I motion made Tresurer report 2019 stands Sinclairs moves it. Dahlgren Seconds motion. Dahlgren Vote all in Favor all I. Disclosure form Sign in turn in.Dahlgren makes a motion to pass 2020. all voted I collected and passed Dahlgren. Moved on to by-laws document Chaiman Dahlgren Vice chairman Sinclair member at lagre christina petio as corrected Officer memenbers edited incert officers into bylaw document. To seven members. Section 10 member at Director at large definition- Shall councel mediate represnet the broader perspectives of the community at large. Sinclair move it Second petito voted I Sinclair move that we have the tresurer be the signatory for the rise above checks and documents Sinclair moves the bylaws be approved as edited dalhgren second oppose all in favor Iits carried. Building update . Checking hazards waste. They will not remove machines. There is no property disclosure by the saler we would get a 500 credit at closing time and no lemon law. Move forward with the lawyers laywer feels a serious offer move the gift letter to 50,000 and dalhgren loan 17,000. No cost o us to raise up the gift amount. 67,000 would be are offer. Contingency Planning on intitial building environmental inspection and findings . Getting in the whole evaluate any environmental concerns. Environmental sampling. Sinclair and Petitio working together for a Environmental assesment and firms sample. Dahlgren getting schedule Tim AIkEN Building inspection. Estimate quote roof General roofing. To move forward Dalghren to make purchase on building Second Sinclair all said I Continsgency 501 k 3 status. Board resolution format Document. 159 N Main Street. Owners Gatehouse Media. Chairman Dahlgren voted. Make meeing practitioner agreement. Elizabeth Freeland, Secretary